Childhood Trauma and How it Can Impact You Today?

What is Childhood Trauma?

Childhood - the word draws up images of a carefree life, innocence, and joy. Knowing that you're secured and supported by your family at every stage allows you to build meaningful and long-lasting relationships later in your life. Sadly, that is not the case for everyone. 

Some children have experienced events that they don't even want to remember or talk about now. The trauma they have gone through has impacted their lives in several ways. 

Childhood trauma is a broad term revolving around:

  • Mental Abuse

  • Physical Abuse

  • Verbal Abuse

  • Sexual abuse 

  • Witnessing a Traumatic Event

  • Witnessing Domestic Violence

  • Experiencing Bullying 

  • Having a Severe Illness

How Childhood Trauma Can Affect Us as Adults?

Childhood trauma stays and even grows with a person as they turn into adults. If you were traumatized or if you faced a challenging life situation as a child, it may have affected your abilities, confidence, self-esteem, and mental as well as emotional wellbeing. 

It may also have impacted your abilities to form long-lasting, healthy, reciprocating, and meaningful relationships today. You might not be able to communicate your wants and needs freely because of your negative childhood experiences. 

It may have also impacted your ability to trust other people around you. 

Effects of Childhood Trauma on Adulthood

  • Deteriorating physical and mental health

  • Difficulty developing a healthy bond to a caregiver

  • Difficulty identifying, expressing, and controlling emotions

  • Trying to dissociate themselves from experience practicing self-isolation

  • Intense behavior, anger

  • Problems thinking clearly 

  • Trigger feelings of worthlessness

The main thing is that childhood abuse and trauma can still impact you today as an adult. It can influence your present life, your relationships, your goals, your career, your social life, and almost all other things that are IMPORTANT and UNAVOIDABLE to you. 

We know how challenging it could be for a person to move forward without any direction. But let me tell you, it is not all bad news. 

The good news is it can be healed - Yes, you guessed that right. Similar to any other psychological issue, childhood trauma can also be managed through psychotherapy. 

Psychotherapy for Childhood Trauma and Abuse

There are different ways one can use psychotherapy to deal with childhood trauma. First, it is crucial to identify that not all traumatic events are created alike. Some of them are more intense, while others are easier to deal with. Depending on the type and intensity of trauma, you can seek help from a professional psychotherapist. 

The process starts with psychoeducation on how your brain & body react to different traumatic events. We work on devising coping strategies for your symptoms and identify your personality traits to see how they contribute to your experiences. 

I am a licensed psychotherapist and wellness coach who can work closely with you at your pace and piece by piece process your emotional experiences so that you can get a handle on them without losing your confidence and self-respect.

Psychotherapy aims to overwrite the power of the emotions linked with your past negative experiences. What trauma does is build a disconnection, and the therapeutic activities are there to join those fragments of traumatic experiences together, bringing a sense of affiliation and wholeness to your experience.

How Psychotherapy Can Help You Deal with Childhood Trauma?

  • After attending a few sessions, you'll feel significant control over your emotions along with reduced anxiety and better self-esteem

  • You'll feel less confused and more confident and feel a greater sense of clarity on what has happened in the past and how you can overcome it

  • You'll feel a sense of freedom and feel no hesitation talking about those traumatic events

  • You'll feel more independent and show more willingness towards building long-lasting and meaningful relationships. In other words, you start trusting people around you who care for you and want to walk side-by-side with you

  • Increased sense of well-being

  • You'll start trusting and believing in yourself. You'll reflect more on your tendencies than your weaknesses

Feel free to visit my website: and follow me on my YouTube channel to know more about the positive impacts of psychotherapy on a person’s mental health and wellbeing who has undergone traumatic experiences in the past. 

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